AJ’s story: “Be confident, be proud and smile like you mean it”
AJ has a port wine stain birthmark on his face. Building up his confidence and resilience helped AJ live the life he wants to.
Read or listen to real stories from people affected by visible difference, their parents and families, as well as Changing Faces staff and volunteers. Inspired to share your story? We’d love to hear it – share your story now.
AJ has a port wine stain birthmark on his face. Building up his confidence and resilience helped AJ live the life he wants to.
Lindsay’s dad has a vascular anomaly. Together they campaign for Changing Faces and raise awareness of visible differences.
Graham has a port wine birthmark on his face. With the support of his family, he has boosted his self-esteem and positivity.
Robin writes about his daughter's role in Malory Towers and his pride that she's a role model for others with visible differences.
Amba, who has two birthmarks, gained the confidence to go makeup-free and now helps other teens with their visible differences.
Rachel, whose baby daughter Freya has a birthmark on her cheek, believes passionately in raising awareness of visible difference.
Paulette believes that we must teach our children that visible differences are positive characteristics.
Megan felt isolated as a child due to reactions to her Sturge-Weber syndrome. Now she has no fear of people judging her visible difference.
Phil experienced abuse and name calling because of his birthmark. He wants people to know that this kind of abuse is a hate crime.
Rory, 26, is from Scotland. He became an active campaigner for Changing Faces so he could use his experiences to help others.
Hannah, 15, is from Biggar, Scotland. She joined Changing Faces’ Youth Action Group to meet other young people with visible differences.
Richard, who was born with a port wine birthmark on his face, writes about running the Everest Marathon for people with visible differences.