Providing support and promoting respect for everyone with a visible difference

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A man wearing a face mask looking directly to camera

COVID-19 advice & support

We share advice and information to help people with a visible difference access support and services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On this page, we provide an update on our services and how they were affected by coronavirus (COVID-19). We also provide answers to some of the most commonly asked questions or concerns that have been raised by the people we have supported during this time.

We know that while restrictions were lifted some time ago, this does not mean that COVID-19 has gone away. The reopening of society also led to a range of challenges for some people with visible differences.

Can I still access your wellbeing services, such as counselling support?

Yes. We currently offer all our wellbeing services online or by phone. The range of wellbeing services on offer includes:

  • Support and Information Line for you to share feelings and talk through your situation in a friendly, confidential space. You can also explore which of our wellbeing services may be the most helpful for you.
  • Counselling support for adults, children and young people.
  • Peer Group Chat Service, offering the opportunity to connect online in eight weekly sessions, to share and support each other with the experiences and challenges of living with a visible difference.
  • Workshops for children, young people and parents to discover valuable tips and techniques which help with issues such as teasing, bullying, social anxiety and social isolation.
  • Online Community to connect with others living with a visible difference, giving and receiving support through sharing experiences.

Are you offering Skin Camouflage Service appointments?

Yes. Skin camouflage is the application of specialist, highly pigmented creams and powders, which can be used to reduce the appearance of a mark, scar or skin condition. The Changing Faces Skin Camouflage Service offers face-to-face skin camouflage appointments with trained skin camouflage practitioners at clinics across England and Scotland, as well as online and over the phone.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we made some changes to our services. We introduced new hygiene and safety protocols into our face-to-face appointments, in line with NHS and government guidance, to keep clients and practitioners safe. We also offer appointments online and over the phone to provide clients with more choice and flexibility.

If you are ready to request an appointment, you can do so on our secure online form. If you are a healthcare professional, you can refer a patient using this form.

While you wait for an appointment, you might be interested in watching a series of video tutorials to help you to apply skin camouflage cream or makeup at home. The videos cover preparing your skin, tools and application techniques, and how to set your skin camouflage products.

I’m worried now public health measures have been lifted

You may feel anxious that the UK Government and devolved administrations have decided to lift all remaining COVID-19 restrictions.

To help with this, we have developed a new resource which focuses on anxieties about returning to “normal”. We also have a specific resource for children and young people on what you can do to help manage your anxiety.

You may also wish to:

I am a student or parent worried about school

From full-scale closure to mask-wearing, the changing restrictions have made it a difficult time for some students with visible differences. The further lifting of restrictions may be a cause for further anxiety.

If your child has been struggling with school due to the pandemic, have a read of our resource on worries about school during COVID-19. You may also wish to:

I’m anxious about returning to work or finding a new job

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on work and it’s understandable you might feel worried about what this will mean for you, both short- and long-term.

Whether you’re feeling anxious about returning to your workplace, commuting or looking for a new job, our new resource about returning to work contains advice and information to help manage your concerns.

You can also contact our Support and Information Line to discuss your situation.

I’m concerned about wearing a mask or face covering

Some people with a visible difference may find wearing a face covering or mask challenging, while others may find it comforting. Some may feel conflicted, experiencing both of these feelings about mask-wearing. You may feel particularly uncertain now that the Government requirement to wear a mask has been lifted.

If you are concerned about wearing a face covering or mask, read our self-help resource to help address these concerns.

You could benefit from speaking about your worries on our Online Community or Peer Group Chat, where other people with visible differences can also share their experiences on this.

I feel anxious on video calls

Apps like Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams have made it possible for many of us to work from home and stay connected with friends and family.

However, many people can find video-calling challenging – especially if you have a mark, scar or condition that affects your appearance. That’s why we’ve created a new self-help resource with tips and advice on how to manage your anxieties around video-calling.

You may also wish to:

My usual support network isn’t as available as it was before

People with visible differences may worry that appearance-related issues are somehow trivial in the face of a pandemic. In addition to this, they may find that people they’d ordinarily talk to about their feelings have less emotional bandwidth as they’re dealing with their own worries.

In these circumstances, people with visible differences who already experience mental health issues may find their emotions even harder to manage.

No appearance-related concern is trivial, and we want you to know that we’re here to support you with the challenges you’re facing. You can:

I’ve been shielding or had medical treatments cancelled

A number of conditions associated with visible difference can put people at higher risk from COVID-19, meaning that some people in our community have had to shield themselves. This may leave people facing greater risk of isolation and loneliness. Things may be particularly hard for people who are continuing to shield despite an end to Government support and the lifting of the restrictions across the UK.

Other people are facing medical treatments being cancelled, leaving them disappointed and distressed.

If you are facing any of these challenges, you can:

I’m worried about relationships and dating

If you’re in a relationship, you may feel anxious about seeing your partner “in person” if you have been physically separated during COVID-19 restrictions. The time apart may cause old worries about your appearance and how you may be perceived to rise up again.

For those seeking a relationship, this may feel even more daunting after a period of isolation and anxieties may rise around the prospect of dating, being judged, and being rejected.

If you are facing any of these challenges, please call our Support and Information Line so we can help you work through your concerns and worries. We also have a range of self-help advice and guidance with specific advice on relationships and dating.

I want to hear about the experiences of other people with a visible difference during the pandemic

We regularly share the experiences of people with a visible difference both on our website and our social media channels. To access these experiences, you can:

What other support is available to me?

We have a list of other organisations that might be able to provide additional support for people with visible differences at this time. Please reach out to them directly if you would like to enquire about their services.

What have we missed?

We hope the resources and support described above have been helpful. If we’ve missed anything, please fill in this short form and tell us what information is currently missing from our website and we’ll do our best to respond.