Providing support and promoting respect for everyone with a visible difference

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A man with a facial visible difference wearing a yellow jumper, standing expressionless in a park as people walk by.

Become a visible difference ally

Our free mini-email series is written by Changing Faces campaigners with the aim of sharing helpful and educational tips and advice around visible difference.

Our free allyship email series aims to educate subscribers on the common issues that people with a visible difference or disfigurement face. It is written for people who want to know how best to behave and talk to someone with a visible difference, be it a friend, colleague, patient or stranger.

If you have a visible difference, please share this page with friends and colleagues to spread the word and help make sure people with a scar, mark or condition are treated equally in society.

What does it mean to be a visible difference ally?

To be an ally, you need an awareness of what living with a visible difference can be like and to consciously support people with a visible difference with empathy and kindness.

You don’t need to know someone with a visible difference or disfigurement to become an ally.


Why do we need visible difference allies?

Many of the difficulties people with a visible difference or disfigurement often face relate to other people’s reactions. They may experience stares, hurtful comments and even discrimination. Research by Santa Com Res found that:

  • 43%

    experience hostile behaviour

    when they go out in public

  • 51%

    feel self-conscious or embarrassed

    as a result of having a visible difference

  • 38%

    are stared at

    when they go out

About our allyship course

Our free course of nine emails has been written by Changing Faces campaigners, who would like to share their stories with you. In each email, they explain a common issue they have experienced and give educational tips on things to consider when you see or talk to someone with a visible difference or disfigurement.

This course is a revelation. I was arrogant enough to think I knew what people with a visible difference go through, the course opened my eyes and helped me realise that I didn’t have a clue.

Allyship course participant.

Topics include:

  • Staring
  • Questions about a person’s visible difference
  • Explaining visible difference to children

Ready to become an ally?

Simply add your details below and you’ll receive your first email in moments.


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By subscribing you will receive emails on allyship and other relevant emails from Changing Faces. You can update your preferences to change what emails you receive at any time and we will never sell your details to third parties. Here’s our privacy policy.

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About Changing Faces

We are the UK's leading charity for anyone with a scar, mark or condition that makes them look different. Find out more about who we are and what we do.

A young woman who has a port wine birthmark on her face smiles at the camera. She is wearing a red top.

Real stories

Read or listen to real stories from people affected by visible difference, their parents and families.