Advice & guidance
This section is full of self-help and guidance for adults and young people living with a visible difference, as well as for parents of children who look different.
We’re sorry, but the link you have used to book a Skin Camouflage Service appointment has now expired. Please contact the skin camouflage team for a new booking link – email [email protected] or call 0300 012 0276.
In the meantime, you might be interested in accessing some of our other resources, such as our self-help advice and guidance or our video series to help you apply skin camouflage cream or make-up at home.
This section is full of self-help and guidance for adults and young people living with a visible difference, as well as for parents of children who look different.
Watch a series of video guides to help you apply skin camouflage cream or makeup at home, as well as tips on making the products last as long as possible.