Tools to improve your self-confidence
Do you lack confidence? If you need help to feel better about yourself, try one of our tools to give your confidence a boost.
We’ve brought together two tools to help you sound and feel more confident when talking to people.
For most of us, talking and acting confidently around those we don’t know very well can be hard, especially if we’ve only just met them. If you look different, this can be even harder, as you might be wondering what other people are thinking about you.
Maybe you think you just don’t know how to talk to people. The good news is that with practice anyone can learn to come across more confidently, even if at first you don’t feel like it inside.
On this page, we introduce two tools to boost your confidence around others.
Here are some things you can do to make yourself feel and sound more confident if you’re not sure how to talk to people.
Talking so people can hear you will make you seem more confident – and that will make you feel more confident too.
There are some things you can avoid doing too – the sorts of things we tend to do when we’re nervous:
This might sound like a lot, but if you memorise these things, then remind yourself of them when you’re going into a social situation, it can really help you with how to talk to people. Practise with your family, too –they can let you know when you forget and help you unlearn some of the habits you might have picked up.
If you’re getting to grips with how to talk to people, starting a conversation can feel like the scariest thing imaginable! Lots of people find it hard. If you have a visible difference, you might be worried about what the other person thinks about the way you look.
But actually, the other person might also be struggling too and want you to start a conversation.
One of the best ways to start a conversation is to ask the other person a question. Here are some examples:
Here is an example:
Marcela was in the lunch queue at school when she noticed the boy behind her looking at her. She turned round and said, “Ugh, mushy peas again! Good thing Wednesday only comes once a week.” “Yeah”, said the boy, “Sludgy, gloopy peas!” They both laughed.
Now give it a go.
Imagine you are on the school bus and you want to talk to the person next to you. On your phone, on a piece of paper or in a notebook, write down:
Joining in with a conversation can be tricky. We can all be a bit rubbish at including new people, often because we don’t know what to say, rather than because we want to leave them out.
Sometimes that means that if we want to be part of someone else’s group conversation, we have to be brave and find a way to join in. Here are some tips on how to do it:
Imagine a group of school students are talking about a film you saw last night. In your notebook, write down a sentence you might use to join the conversation.
When you are going out it can be helpful to think about some things you might talk to other people about.
You don’t have to stick to this, but it can help you feel more confident if you have some ideas of what questions you might ask or what you might say.
On your phone or a bit of paper, write down three things you might say in these situations:
Most of us do not find any of this easy – sometimes you have to “fake it till you make it”. It might feel difficult at first, but after some practice we promise it gets easier.
Sometimes if we act confidently we start to feel good about ourselves – even if we didn’t feel that great to start with. Did you know that your body “talks” to other people? It’s called body language and it gives a lot of information about our mood and personality.
We can tell people things by how we stand, walk, move, sit, talk, sound and by the expression on our face. We also “read” body language all the time – without even thinking about it – to learn more about other people.
Think about these two examples:
You can change your body language. You can use it to give off a confident, relaxed vibe that you may not be feeling inside. Here are some things you can do with your body to project confidence:
Practise looking people in the eye – by playing this game with a friend or someone in your family:
It might feel funny at first – but if you practise, you will find you get good at it!
If your visible difference makes it hard to do any of these things, focus on the things you can do. Try these things out with a friend or family member:
Stand in front of a mirror for these practices.
Close your eyes. Imagine you have joined a new school and you’re the only new person in your class – you are nervous and embarrassed. Open your eyes and look at yourself now:
Chances are you look a bit worried! If it helps, get someone else to describe the scenario you are in so you can imagine it more clearly.
Look yourself in the eye and tell yourself, “I am a great person”.
Now how do you look? Can you tell the difference when you try to make your body look confident? What word would you use to describe yourself?
You could try adding a motto, a phrase of your own which is designed to make you feel more confident. Check out these tools for more information about creating your own motto.
See how it’s going by trying it out on a friend or family-member. Can they see the difference? They might have some tips for thing you could change or do differently too.
Do you lack confidence? If you need help to feel better about yourself, try one of our tools to give your confidence a boost.
Many young people worry about their appearance as they grow up. We explore what anxiety is and suggest four ways to cope with your feelings.