Providing support and promoting respect for everyone with a visible difference

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A woman holding a baby with a visible difference, who is reaching out to touch an older boy.

It is National Storytelling Week and we would love to share your story!

We would especially like to hear from parents who have children with a visible difference.

We are here for everyone with a scar, mark or condition on their face or body.

How weCan help

See all our services
Dola sitting in an office, wearing a headset and smiling

If you are struggling with the emotional impact of a visible difference, call or message our Support and Information Line.

A woman in a nurse's top, wearing glasses with white hair tied up, applies skin camouflage products to a man's face. We can see the back of the man's head only - he has some stubble on his face and wears a shirt and a blue jumper.

Skin Camouflage can help to reduce the appearance of your scar mark or condition if you’re not ready to celebrate your visible difference yet.

Michael smiling, standing on a quiet street

Our guides aim to help you cope with the challenges of having a visible difference, with tailored advice for parents, children and young people.


All our stories
A young girl being held by her mother near a Christmas tree. Both are wearing matching white pyjamas.

Lucy and Lola

Through lack of understanding, ignorance would emerge and make its way through. I decided to become the representation I was looking for.

Read Lucy's story
